
We have partnered with VeChain's VeBetterDAO to enhance health and lifestyle monitoring by rewarding positive behaviors with $B3TR tokens. This innovative program will integrate with our Health Index with the goal to motivate and reward users for maintaining healthy lifestyles.

$B3TR Rewards

The $B3TR rewards that will be distributed will be done so on a weekly basis and through a pool distribution system. The amount of $B3TR you receive will be determined by the Health Index Score (HIS) you have earned for that period.

Health Index Score

The Health Index displays a value from 0-100 based on many health metrics in order to provide you with an insight to the quality of your health and lifestyle. The better your health metrics are, the higher your HIS should be. For more information on the Health Index and how it functions, please visit our Health Index Page.

Connecting To The Health Index

Importing Your inPersona Wallet To The VeWorld Wallet
1. Download the 'VeWorld' app from the app store
2. Open the inPersona app and tap on the key icon. Complete the security quiz and copy the Private Key
*Do not show or share this key to anyone as they will be able to steal your funds!
3. Open the 'VeWorld' app and select 'Import Wallet'→'Local Wallet'
4. Paste your private key into this text box, then select 'Verify'
You should now have a VeWorld wallet.

Connecting Your VeWold Wallet To The Health Index
1. Open the VeWorld app and select the icon at the top with your wallet address
2. Select the icon at the bottom to copy the wallet address
3. Open the inPersona app and select your Data NFT on the dashboard tab
4. Select the Health Index, paste your VeWorld wallet address in the box, and select 'Save'

Vote For Vyvo Smart Chain
To Get More $B3TR!

Cast your vote for us on the VeBetterDAO governance website. If we receive a lot of votes there will be more $B3TR tokens for us to give to you!

How To Vote For Vyvo Smart Chain
・Open the VeWorld app and go to the 'Discover' Tab. Type in governance.vebetterdao.org in the address bar then tap the search icon
・Bookmark the website so you don't have to type it again and then select 'Connect Wallet'
・Select 'Sign' and then 'Confirm'
You should now be connected to the VeChain Testnet.

・To be able to vote you need to swap your $B3TR tokens for $VOT3 tokens. Select the swap icon to do so
・Scroll down to the 'Allocation Rounds' area and select the current one that is 'Active'
・Scroll down until you see the different projects you can vote for at the bottom. Put in the percent of your $VOT3 tokens that you want to allocate to Vyvo Smart Chain and then select 'Cast Vote Now'
Your vote should now be registered! Make sure to vote each week before Sunday 11:59 PM UTC.

Distribution Mechanics

Requirements To Receive $B3TR Distributions
・Must have a VeChain (VeWorld) wallet added to the Health Index
・Must have a Data NFT Level 1 or higher
・Must have a Health Index Score greater than 0

*If you don't have a VeChain Wallet you will still receive the Health Index insights, but will not be rewarded with $B3TR tokens.

At a macro level, given the pool structure of the distribution system, the cumulative Health Index Score for the period generated by the community will be divided by the total $B3TR tokens available for distribution for that period to determine the $B3TR per Health Index amount.

For example, assuming:
・100,000 $B3TR Tokens are available for distribution for the period
・250,000 HIS generated by the user base
100,000 / 250,000 = 0.40 which means that each point of the Health Index for that period of time is worth 0.40 $B3TR.

At the individual level, your Health Index will determine the amount of $B3TR you receive. So if you have earned a Health Index Score of 50 for this example period and each point of the Health Index is worth 0.40 $B3TR, you would receive 20 $B3TR.
$B3TR Tokens Received: 0.40 × 50 = 20

Data NFT Level Score Bonus
Your Data NFT Level applies a multiple to the total Health Index Score.
・Level 1 is a 1x multiple
・Level 2 is a 2x multiple
・Level 3 is a 3x multiple
・Level 4 is a 4x multiple

Using the previous numbers shown in the example, if the user had a Level 1 Data NFT, the HIS and $B3TR tokens received would not change (since it is a 1x multiple). If the user had a level 3 Data NFT, the HIS would receive a 3x multiple and the user would be receiving $B3TR tokens based on that new amount.
New HIS: 50 × 3 = 150
$B3TR Tokens Received: 150 × 0.40 = 60
So in this case, with the level 3 Data NFT, the user would receive 60 $B3TR tokens.